Patient Stories

Patient Case Study: Madeline Hawkins

Madeline Hawkins was diagnosed with Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia (CML) back in June 2012 after she was referred for additional blood tests following complains of pain in her feet. 

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Patient Case Study: Rob Pope (Manchester)

Just seven months ago in March 2023, Robert Pope was a fit guy who looked forward to swimming, running and mountain biking in his free time, before Covid struck him down.

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Patient Case Study: Lauren Murrell (London)

Lauren was in the final year of Law School when she was diagnosed with AML - but it proved to be a life-changing experience.

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Patient Case Study: Douglas Morton (Newcastle)

Douglas Morton was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukaemia in 2021

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Patient Case Study: Fiona McCamphill (Belfast)

Fiona McCamphill was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma in 2017

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Candid With Cancer #1 – My First Cancer Diagnosis

Thomas Ashley details his battle against AML as part of a new weekly blog

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Clinical Trial Gives Retired Teacher New Lease of Life

A retired primary school teacher with a matter of months to live is now enjoying life thanks to a new blood cancer drug

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Goode Walks: Julian Goode’s MPAL Journey

Julian received his diagnosis of MPAL back in May 2019 and would change his life in multiple ways

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76-year-old Blood Cancer Patient Prepares for London 2 Paris Cycle

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World AML Day 2022: Shaun Steer

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Morgan Paine: You can still achieve your goals

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Challenge hero Jo Shirley hoping to raise £5,000

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Johanna – A trial made a huge difference to my life

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Nigel – I feel the future is bright

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Mark – I cannot thank them enough

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Patricia Robinson: Blood cancer nearly took everything from me

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Andy Ayres

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Steve Shaw: ‘I have now been able to marry my partner.’

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Debbie Riley

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Mark Hill

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Geoff Thomas

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How to help Cure Leukaemia?

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