One in 150: A Patient’s Marathon for a Cure
Our Paris Marathon 2025 team is growing, including one runner who has battled the disease himself.
Sarah Watmore, along with her partner, will be taking on the challenge of cycling London 2 Paris in June 2023 to raise £1,500 each for Cure Leukaemia.
Sarah unfortunately lost her Mum a few years ago to cancer, and has a friend who is currently battling leukaemia, so she spoke to us about her motivation for taking on this challenge:
“My Mum died a couple of years ago from cancer, just after retiring at 70, and it was a shocking blow. It’s a disease that affects most of us and if I can help alleviate the suffering of just one person it will be worth it.
When my Mum died she left me a small inheritance and I used it to buy a new bike, the one on which I will be undertaking the challenge in her memory.
Maggie Teal, my lovely bike, and I will be training hard from now until the event to improve my fitness and hit that fundraising target.I have a friend who has leukaemia and cycling is a huge part of his life, so if supporting Cure Leukaemia in particular helps him, then I’ll be chuffed to bits.
I’ve always wanted to ride this route and having not done any cancer charity rides for several years, it seemed a good time to combine an epic ride with raising money for a great cause.”
Despite being an avid cyclist, Sarah started 2022 unable to walk due to a pelvic fracture, however, she’s hoping to continue to build up strength through cycling and be in a strong position for the ride next June:
“I ride and race indoors on Zwift a lot when time or the weather stops me getting outside so I’ll be training throughout the Winter. It’s rare that I don’t ride five days a week, so I expect to maintain a decent level of fitness and then add in more consecutive days of riding from the Spring.
I love a new adventure, and France is my wannabe home and I really enjoy group riding.
The nerves will creep in much nearer the time as I start pondering whether I’ve chosen the right speed group or will I make a fool of myself slipping on the cobbles of the Champs Elysees, but I’m really looking forward to it!”
Sarah will be taking on this 4 day challenge next summer, on June 8th until June 11th 2023.
She’ll be joining 150 other riders, and will set off from Greenwich Park and arrive into Paris 4 days later, having covered approximately 500km!
As part of her fundraising efforts, Sarah will be hosting a quiz night in Worcester in January, and you can find out more about the event by visiting her Twitter @SarahCycling.
Our Paris Marathon 2025 team is growing, including one runner who has battled the disease himself.
Three runners from Hong Kong and Singapore are traveling to Paris in April 2025 to raise funds for Cure Leukaemia, highlighting the global impact of blood cancer research.