One in 150: A Patient’s Marathon for a Cure
Our Paris Marathon 2025 team is growing, including one runner who has battled the disease himself.
Devi-Asha Chundavadra is taking on an extraordinary challenge, as she’s committed to walking 1 million steps in honour of her good friend Matt, who was recently diagnosed with a form of leukaemia.
Devi spoke to us about her good friend, and how she felt compelled to do something to help raise funds for a charity close to both of their hearts.
“To know Matt is to love Matt and if you know him… you’re lucky indeed! There’s so many great things that I could say about him but I’ll keep it short for now and just say that he is one of the kindest, funniest guys I know and he has the biggest heart, so there was no question in my mind that I wanted to raise some money for Cure Leukaemia.I believe that Matt is one in a million so it felt right to do a million steps for him. He is one of the most amazing guys I have ever known, with the biggest heart and I felt and feel helpless that I can’t do anything for him specifically, so I thought the fundraiser and walk would be a good idea and make me feel like I am doing something to help a great cause.”
Devi has given herself 60 days to complete this whopping challenge, and she’s currently completed 250K steps so far.
“I’m not the most active of people… well actually I’m not active at all haha but I’ll be walking 1 million steps for our lovely Matthew who is one a million!
I’ll be giving myself 60 days to complete this task and then Matt better be ready to treat me to a big, massive, well-deserved dinner.
I started a few weeks ago and am doing walks daily to get my steps up to a million and am currently at around 250k steps.
I feel good every day when I do my walk, knowing that so many kind and generous people have donated to my fundraiser, it just makes me want to continue and not stop until I hit my target.”
Devi originally set out with a fundraising target of raising £1,000, but thanks to the huge generosity of friends and family and everyone who donated, she has smashed through that target, and has currently raised over £2,900.
Our Paris Marathon 2025 team is growing, including one runner who has battled the disease himself.
Three runners from Hong Kong and Singapore are traveling to Paris in April 2025 to raise funds for Cure Leukaemia, highlighting the global impact of blood cancer research.